For any advice about steel, please do not hesitate to call on our extensive knowledge of contacts within the industry. If we are unable to supply or advise we will always try to put you in touch with the right people.
Credit Facilities
Subject to some simple credit information, we will be able to open an account in your name making it easier for you to buy your steel requirements from us on open terms.
We seek to give all our customers the best value for money in the steel industry. We are continually working to reduce prices through a world search for new creditable suppliers and we are constantly making improvements to our own operating systems to maximise efficiency.
All our steel is bought from mills that hold the appropriate accreditation and certification standards and all material is thoroughly inspected at the time each vessel discharges. All our systems are also geared to ensure that you get the right quality at the right time.
Most of our haulage is contracted out to Groveport Logistics Ltd, which provides perfect integration as this company also manages our stock. By working with our sister companies we can also fall back on the support of our own fleet of wagons ensuring steel deliveries to your door when you want it.